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Dir. Kurt Sear

Hiding from the horrors of the second world war, a young girl, Silvia, finds refuge in a German barn, until a menacing figure, appears in the doorway.

Misdirection is a short film that explores themes of appearance vs reality through the eyes of a petrified girl, alone on the eastern front, during the second world war.


The Sin Eater

Set in Eastern Europe in a post soviet time, The Sin Eater is an experimental theological drama with heavy influence from German expressionism film. The film tells the story of a man known only as The Sin Eater, who lives a very isolated life whilst doing his job of taking on the sins of people who have recently passed. His latest job seems to go very wrong, and he comes to realise that his work, the burden of taking so many sins into his own soul, is causing him to suffer.

Dir. Jonas Daniel Alexandar

The Wanderer

Seventeen year old Nova, leaves home in a fit of rage over an argument with her mum about her brother's (Christopher) death. Nova knows that there is more to his death than meets the eye.
What starts off as a journey to find answers, soon becomes a journey of self-discovery and power, as she discovers "Moonheckle" - another realm and all that this new world entails.
The story has underlying themes of femininity and draws awareness to the absence of female protagonists in the industry.

The Wanderer - Album Art.png
Dir. Mia Rhoades

Bobby Rebeiro is a man with a vision. He wants to create a safe space for men where they can talk about anything without shame or judgment. He has opened a Barber shop in Primrose Hill, London and there he hopes his customers can redefine masculinity.

This Beautiful Little Shop

Dir. Tom Webb
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Other film bits...

The Lost Piano - Rescored by Callum Golby


Callum's latest rescore is of this Westwood instruments scoring competition. 

For this rescore, Callum sampled a piano and later manipulated them to create pad sounds to create an atmospheric sound. 


Nokia Advert


This Nokia advert was the first time Callum wrote to film and contains a lot of stock Logic Pro X instruments. It was recorded at the Academy of Contemporary Music, Guildford. 

Callum does not own the rights to the picture - the music is owned by him. 

2024 Callum Golby ©
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